Friday, May 27, 2005

A Logical Problem?

"Poor Service = Poor Rail Management" - This was the text of a sticker that I saw on a train this morning. I had probably read it before, but this morning I noticed that there is something logically discordinate about it. I could understand that 'Poor Rail Management' could equal 'Poor Service', but I am just not sure that the inference works the other way ...


MH said...

I think that there is a real problem in the form of public 'statements', such as stickers and slogans, that have no real 'content' or that demonstrate errors of reasoning. Your two stickers are just further demonstrations of this - the first one raises the question of 'what is past hollywood?', the second raises a range of questions - that people just don't think about. Am thinking that it might be worth opening a forum where problems with the public discourse can be pointed out ...

MH said...
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MH said...

But, some problems are just too big to be worth tackling ...